Convoluted Onboarding Process

Bad Data Leads to Slower Onboarding and Higher Compliance Risks! Cost of Non-Compliance is growing.

Companies have learned the answer the hard way.
  • 65% of compliance officers work with bad data
  • Onboarding business have > 30days delays to activate a customer
  • Multiple data sources leads to duplication, which adds more expense.
  • Lack of Data Governance to tackle human fallibility.

Every company knows how much it costs to onboard a new client. What they can’t know is how much it will cost in regulatory penalties. if they rely on bad data to do so. A growing number of countries are adapting anti-money laundering (AML) laws to crack down on fraudulent activities. Fintech companies must now ensure their Know-Your-Customer. (KYC) procedures comply with multiple forms of regulation, and they can pay costly fines if the data they use in that process fails them. Bad data is the most common reason for a poor onboarding experience and the greatest reason companies find themselves non-compliant. Fintech firms must trust the data they use to open new customer accounts. This is where Intellekt’s IntelliBoard transforms the onboarding process for fintech companies.

Great Onboarding Starts with Great Data

The Benefits of Good, Clean Data

  • Consistent
  • Comprehensive
  • Few Duplicates
  • Able to screen against low enforcement and regulatory risk

Intellekt Solution

Intelliboard’ s Self onboarding platform allows for customer (Consumer, Business, Merchant) to quickly onboard themselves through dynamic data capture, Intuitive form filling and workflow, ability to ensure data is effectively captured the first time around, alongside other capabilities.

Intellekt Solution to Optimize
Customer Onboarding

Intellekt helps customers improve their Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Models by enabling Data Enrichment Services to be deployed across Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing Domains.

We offer Enterprise Grade Quality Services at an extremely competitive value through flexible and variable models meeting the business metrics.

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